Connected Educator Chapter Four
Throughout the pages of Chapter Four in The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age , it is simply clear that it discusses about the significance of building a collaborative culture and a mindset that supports connected learning. In the beginning of the chapter, the authors point out something that I think is very important to know. Nussbaum-Beach and Ritter Hall state "changing values, norms, beliefs may be necessary in order to support connected learning" and "shared vision, shared values, a belief in learning for all, a collaborative environment, opportunities for inquiry, reflection, and norms of continuous learning and improvement encourage culture of collaboration". I think this is really important in any type of job because I think it will provide the best work. For example, my future career as a music journalist, I think that having this knowledge in my head will benefit me while I am working with others in a working space. I feel that it ...